Pima County Sheriff's
Auxiliary Volunteers
VOLUNTEER WITH US Auxiliary Volunteers
About Us
The Pima County Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers (SAV) is a nationally recognized, award-winning organization, comprised entirely of citizen volunteers. SAV members perform a number of tasks vital to the overall mission of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department. These operations include Patrol, Fingerprinting, Emergency Response, Crime Prevention, Neighborhood Watch, Field Operations, Administration, Special Activities, and Training. SAVs are exceptionally trained individuals who have represented the Department since 1982. This non-profit volunteer organization has provided over one million hours of service to the community.
SAV Divisions and Programs
We offer a range of programs and services designed to engage with and protect our community.
SAVs provide adult non-criminal fingerprinting services for any purpose including employment, education, or healthcare related clearances. This service is provided at minimal cost at our office at 1650 E Benson Highway by highly skilled volunteers. Child ID services can be scheduled for special events.
Patrol-trained SAVs are responsible for patrolling over 300 Neighborhood Watch areas within Pima County. In addition, teams patrol individual county parks for signs of graffiti, suspicious or illegal activities, or damage to county property. Patrol teams assist Search and Rescue, respond to calls for service as needed, and aid citizens at the neighborhood level.
Our Bike Patrol unit rides along county portions of The Huckleberry Loop to assist users while providing extra eyes and ears for the Sheriff's Department.
Specialized training is required to qualify for this division.
The Neighborhood Watch Division is responsible for managing and assisting over 300 Neighborhood Watch Organizations throughout Pima County. SAVs provide training to neighborhood leaders on running successful Neighborhood Watch programs. We also provide speakers for Neighborhood Watch meetings to enhance the awareness and safety of residents.
The Recruiting and Training Division is responsible for actively seeking new members on a year-round basis. This division provides basic training to new members as a foundation for more advanced skills in specific areas.
Field Operations provides non-law enforcement roles at major incidents, such as traffic control at crash scenes, natural disasters, criminal investigations and other events requiring crowd or traffic control. Field Operations personnel are responsible for driving and maintaining our fleet of patrol vehicles and the Sheriff's Mobile Command Centers. Specially trained Field Operations personnel also function as dispatchers, coordinating communications and deployment for emergency responses. Specialized training is required to qualify for this division.
Members of the Special Assignments Division participate in a multitude of safety fairs and public events throughout the year. McGruff the Crime Dog is a popular member of the team. The variety of community programs include, for example, Shred-A-Thons, Dispose-A-Med, Trunk or Treat, and other community and school events.
SAV crime prevention specialists offer a program to inform citizens about protecting their homes and property. Specialists are available by appointment to visit your home to conduct a free safety and security evaluation, and offer advice on ways to improve any weaknesses found.
The Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers work with commissioned deputies to teach citizens of Pima County how to avoid the schemes of financial predators. Working together with the community, Scam Squad SAVs empower individuals to combat fraud through awareness, education, and interaction.